Stuck on a few, any help please.
15 , Large et used for driving stakes 25th ( 7)
22. American word meaning full of sediment (5,5)
27 The value of these birds (10)
31. Bochil needs to change (6) sure it is ana anagram but cannot find anything
35. Machine part that transfers motion and a ships control room (99
got it Scorpiojo.Thick or what!!!
Can you point me in the right direction for these last three please
46. Tap, in addition to, a vowel (9)
54. An ancient path, plus to catch and bring in fish (7)
56. Printer's spacing block, a circle, plus French water ,a weir. (8,7)
Just stuck on 17 Anagallis minus a direction (8) - had thought it was to ne an anagram, but have found reference to Scarlet Pimpernell - but still stuck!
And 29 - A cooking utensil plus a quip and a heavyweight (9) - thought maybe Prestonpans but too many letters!