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Are You Odd?

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Tilly2 | 21:43 Fri 24th Jul 2015 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
Following on from Gness' post. What do you do that may be considered odd?

I always use the same coloured pegs on any one item when I hang out my washing. Blue,, pink..white, white.

That's odd, isn't it?

I also cannot drive on motorways. That's even more odd.


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I hope so.... hate to be like everyone else.. ;0)
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Correct answer, Slappy!

Don't think so, seem to have everything in pairs that I should have two of!
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That's ok, then Baldric. Nicely symmetrical.
Odd socks sometimes, Yilly.
Always danced to my own tune - so the answer is yes.
**Blue,, pink..white, white**

that sounds even.
I didn't know that your a musician, Mamya ;-)
I have got to show this post to Mr U, he will not believe it, he is convinced that I am the only person in the world who has to have their pegs on the line in order. The washing has to be smallest first until I get to the single peg items, then they are in size order.
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Jno, it sounds even but it's odd, really.
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Ubasses. Join the odd pegging out washing club! Welcome!
I always use a different sized and shaped glass for each different beverage,
not necessarily the accepted ones.
Never use a non-matching knife and fork (have lots of cutlery)
Being a bit odd lets you stay unique...
I always keep my victims in alphabetical order in the freezer. Is that odd?
Before the dishwasher I had four tea towels for each washup for glasses, one for crockery ..etc. it grew out of a dislike as a child for sopping wet towels, but my kids and their friends thought i was weird !!
I count getting out of the bath/shower through drying that odd?
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Zacs, that is very odd. You have a freezer?
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I have to have matching cutlery too, Daisy. Anything else drives me mad.
I will take a lone fork out of the dishwasher and was it, just to make sure that what is on the table actually matches.

I am the same with table mats and coasters. They have to be matching mats.
Sorry, I won't settle for being called 'odd'. Only 'totally weird' will do ;-)
Lordy thank heaven for you lot. 'She who must be obeyed tells me off if I don't peg the washing out in the 'right' order, or dry the dishes starting with glass and cutlery. Always thought she was a control freak or crackers or something.

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