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Pendleside Film Dingbats

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granny grump | 17:13 Mon 03rd Aug 2015 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

Some of the ones I'm still searching for

19 THE (in top LH crnr) with speech bubble saying I've left

20, rmoouugle

33. THE



34 Lt
Le Lt Le

36. The Red Rum

There is speech bubble from the that says 'I way very little'

Please can you help?


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19 the departed?
20 moulin rouge..........mool in rouge
can you give the bottom one again please x
36 i can see murder reversed but can't work a film yet
Question Author
Thank you mallyh I think I've got 36 -

The lighthorsemen
33 the tigger movie
is 34 exactly as above x
34 iffy the french lieutenants woman
Question Author
Thank you - again - Yes I think you are right - with 34 You are good at these. I have 4 more to do but I will have a bit more time studying them

Thank you for your help

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Pendleside Film Dingbats

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