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radio times 38

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wendyl | 18:37 Sun 18th Sep 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
18a rugby, eg makes a link with socket 7,
20a potentially poor it cuts raw ham 10
24a irreverance ios acadamic, whichever it goes in 9 thanks in advance


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20ac prosciutto
Hope 18a isn't an anagram of 'rugby eg' because my anagram solver only comes up with one word and it can't be published here!!

18a = Contact Sport, 24a = Profanity

Hi wideboy.. What's this anagram solver you've got.Sounds handy.


Got it here (and much, much more).


Thanks wideboy.


Was 18a Contact sport after all. You originally said it was only 7 letters was it actually 7,5?

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radio times 38

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