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Links To N Yorkshire Villages

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max26758 | 20:42 Wed 16th Sep 2015 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
8.Roadblock, Hoop.....20cwt(11) I thought this was ending ....rington.
9. Plant fungi....Call for order in "Game****, (6)
10. Third son of Lear......A fake(8)


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8. Settrington, road block ie cobble or Sett+ring+ton.
10. If clue should be Third son of Leah - then Levisham.
mac I wondered about that because Lear had three daughters, although one could be 'cross threaded'
9 Rust on
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Thank you very much for help I do appreciate it. The typing on the quiz sheet says Third son of Lear but like you I was unable to come up with an answer but did nor think of a spelling error. I will query this with person who sold me quiz sheet!

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