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I Need Sympathy And Understanding

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wolf63 | 16:58 Wed 28th Oct 2015 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
I was at the dentist a couple of hours ago and got a back molar yanked out. The dentist said that it left a big hole so he put little plug things in it and that they would dissolve. Does anybody know what they are called?
I asked him, but forgot immediately afterwards.

I am in quite a bit of pain and feel miserable. I have earache on the same side (probably totally unrelated to my tooth problem) and blocked sinuses (again unrelated) so have dosed up on painkillers and plan on hiding under the duvet with my Kindle and two moggies.



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I do sypathise deeply, having had some serious dental mauling over the years.

The earache and sinus issues are quite possible related to your treatment, it's amazing the number of nerves that are disturbed and play up after a procedure like an extraction.

Keep the painkillers topped up - soluble in warm water are best - they disperse quickest in the system.

Have some ready with a glass of water by your bed tonight for when you wake up with the pain, and you can take them without having to get up.

Tomorrow will be better. Andy says. Keep taking the painkillers and look after yourself. Hope you feel better soon xx
have much sympathy for you Wolf - as andy say - when a tooth or teeth is extracted other senses play up. Take soluble paracadol - I know what it is like - and it is ok for you to feel sorry for yourself cos it's a rotten place to be. When all my work was done I could have cried for days - but some reason the tears never came. Getting the molar out was maybe bad in your mouth and it would eroded your other good teeth Keep up chin Wolfie. Jennyjoan xx
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Thanks folks. I am diabetic so will have to be careful not to get an infection (like I did last time) and am unable to take anything other than Paracetemol due to taking Lithium (a horrible medication).

All I need to do before bed is 'convince' Frankie to take his steroid tablet for his asthma. If you have ever tried to medicate a cat you will understand.

take some Ibuprofen as well, wolfie, Sqad's recipe.....can be taken along side the Paracetamol.
subject to the lithium - check with Sqad, I would......
Full body armour needed.... good luck :-)
It appears to be called - - - a bit of surgicel

remember the reg paracetamol and ibuprofen
You have all my sympathy too, teeth are a damned nuisance from the start to finish.

Keep warm and as pain free as possible. xxx
wolfie - I had to give Maxie 2 tablets a day when I first got him. I broke the tablets in a million bits and put it into his food (nice food like a wee bit of chicken) he ate the lot. Had to to do for 2 weeks and it worked like a dream.

Hopefully you will feel a little better tomorrow. bless you.
Mamy my mother wanted me to get all my teeth out at 10 years old cos she sure as hell knew what I was going to come through and she was right.

wrap said cat in a towel, throw the pill to the back of it's mouth and stroke it's throat. It forces them to swallow. I just get mine in a headlock though, I don't use the towel.
ARRRGH! I know there's no apostrophe in its! (Gets out grammar gun and shoots herself).
You've not met Frankie!
Trust me, my semi-feral one is feisty enough Mamyalynne!
there is an apostrophe in it's means it is ho ho ho
Ahhh Jennyjoan, but ONLY if its it is. Its mouth doesn't get one so I am still a blurry iriot.
well - we will give it a miss then LOL
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JJ - dogs are so much easier to give medication to. My first dog was nine stone.

Frankie and his sister were feral kittens. Frankie has a good nature but gets stressed easily. I have decided that his tablet is to be hidden in a treat as the other method - the headlock method would be okay for a one-off. Giving him his inhaler is a nightmare. Anyhow he eventually took the treat.

PP - will look at that article. I am off to play with my Kindle. :-)

no wolfie - don't ever put the full tablet in - crunch it nearly a powder - believe me it still works. even put it in tuna if frankie likes tuna - even tuna. Don't headlock him - he might headlock you LOL

PS harvey was the same until I had that bright idea - never knew - the mutt - bless him.

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