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kingelvis | 17:20 Sun 25th Sep 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
i need to know the longest word that has all letters in alphabetical order?.....thanks


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Aegilops, eight letters long, is the longest word whose letters are arranged in alphabetical order. Seven letter words with this property include beefily and billowy. Six letter words include abhors, accent, access, almost, biopsy, bijoux, billow, chintz, effort, and ghosty.
Go on,quizmonkey, satisfy my curiosity, what or who is an aegilops [and where on earth did you find it?] Even the famous Mr Ben Schott hasn't come up with that one!!
It's a species of grass, also known as goat-grass. So now you know!
Thank you, feel somewhat humiliated, bearing in mind my profession - mind you, ah just cuts the stuff, don't ask for its ID.....!!

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