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Lincs And Notts Air Ambulance

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dinkyjudy | 19:50 Tue 19th Jan 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
30 Answers
110) bovine joint, breaks into building ka crossed out e
74) water or sweet, joint of bovine
108) dance or car, younger child
Any help appreciated


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108 Morris Minor?
Sorry Just realised Fiction factory already answered that one
ff don't you think 'breakS into building would be burgles
I don't think it's like a Times/Guardian crossword that relies on strict parsing, Dave. A burglar breaks into buildings may well be acceptable in the context of a less formal quiz, I think, although it would help to see some clues and known answers but we haven't been given these yet
Agree entirely - be better if it was 'he' breaks...............
... or she
Having said that it still doesn't alter Ka
This question setter is known to regularly make mistakes so I wouldn't rule it out.
Question Author
fiction-factory and tballrossie, I think you may be right, the question author makes several mistakes,ie. one question reads Russian field marshall v Napoleon, put monry riverside (think he means put money aside) to make the answer Barclays Bank. Many thanks for all your help.
The riverside is where Bank comes from. I think the setter did mean money. and meant Marshal not Marshall.

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Lincs And Notts Air Ambulance

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