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jackierob | 20:27 Fri 18th Mar 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
2. open,passage,society
5. first,march,road
12. base,burst,chamber
answer contains a name of food
name given to a bed made possible to get into it


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11 iron
2 secret
2 secret
11 iron

Apple pie
Shaw and Crompton trivia quiz for Macmillan cancer support closing date 14 May.
12 Cloud
Angie, I know you mean well but it's getting a bit irksome the sheer number of times you are pointing these things out. If you don't like it you could always ignore this site. Regards
Captain2 . All I'm doing is repeating the guidelines that the Ed wants to be observed. It's hardly my fault if a significant number of posters choose to ignore the Ed's request. Perhaps you and all posters should re-acquaint themselves with the guidelines?
5 safety ( if march should be match)
I know the guidelines very well. I just can't understand why you feel it necessary to point out every 'misdemeanour' - it's as if you are acting like a self appointed policeperson monitoring AB daily.
You've asked 14 questions in seven years but made 419 replies, most of which I hazard to guess are of this ilk.
If you know the guidelines, you also know why I am posting.......because many posters either don't know the guidelines or do know and choose to ignore them. Just to clear up your assumption, i do not post every time someone doesn't quote the closing date or quiz title.
Question Author
thanks again much appreciated

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