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My Friends Are Having Issues And I Dont Know How To Help Them??

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Trippayy | 03:40 Thu 21st Apr 2016 | Family & Relationships
5 Answers
Alexandra - is really mean to Alicia but loves to have her as a friend, and want to change. She is really shy and expresses herself in a very weird way compared to other people

Alicia - Told Alexandra how she feels when she treats her this way and made Alexandra cry by saying those things and doesn't know what to do. Alex is her only friend and she doesn't want to lose her, but Alex can sometimes be very mean and Alicia doesn't like it.

I am kind of in the middle of this, and don't know what to do. Alexandra treats me kind of the same way so I stopped talking to her as much. I have been talking to Alicia and that is how I found out about this, and she asked for help but I am not sure really what to say.


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Alex sounds like she needs a steel toecap applied to her coccyx with some force.
I don't see why Alicia needs your help. It's something she and Alexandra need to work out for themselves.
stay out of it
sorry but this sounds suspiciously like trolling.
This reminds me of that post...A said to B about C...

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My Friends Are Having Issues And I Dont Know How To Help Them??

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