A Day At The Seaside 19/05/2016 in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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A Day At The Seaside 19/05/2016

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clairerob21 | 08:19 Mon 02nd May 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
18 Answers
3. firms and dries to crunchy thought crisps ?
27. put laces or people first
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firmS AND dries
Question Author
nice one didn't see that
I tried an anagram for the last one but only got these two words
27 P(laces) O(r) P(eople)?
Yes, i thought of seagull PLOP but decided against it
lol I was taking the initial letters but came up with plop x
I think Claire's mistyped the clue...'Put places or people first' was the previous wording.
Did the Capulets live near the sea (Verona)?
..P O P
If scorpiojo is right about th clue then POP is a great answer
I like plop better ☺☺☺
HMMM..juice in Scotland..would not have got that !
Lol, Danny ;o)
morning Danny xx scorpy xx
Hellooooo minty and all :o)
Good morning Minty xx
Question Author
thanks all once again

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A Day At The Seaside 19/05/2016

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