There are actually legitimate firms which do search for heirs to people who die intestate and leave a substantial estate behind. When everything is settled, which can take years as it did in our case, they take a percentage of each heir’s inheritance. The percentage in our case was a lot less than mentioned in the original post: I think it was around 25%. It turns out that we were related to the man who died through my father’s mother who was born in Liverpool; in fact most of the heirs, not all, were located in that area of England. A total of 206 relatives were located, and the amount due to each individual was based on shares depending upon how close up the “family tree” you were to the deceased. (We all received a copy of each heir and how much they got). We were pretty far down the tree and, as I said, received $5000 each; a couple of people at the top of the tree got 25,000 pounds each. It was quite a long drawn out affair with lots of faxes, emails, and registered letters. However, it was legitimate.