TV0 min ago
Stumped Again
53 Answers
Fred the dog; B????? (6)
The answer is not Beagle
The answer is not Beagle
Fred Barker was also a puppet on children's TV many moons ago. http://nosta lgiacentral. com/music/mu sic-on-film- and-tv/five- o-clock-club /
11:23 Thu 28th Jul 2016
Can I ask how you know it's not Basset - Fred Basset would seem the most likley answer?
https:/ /en.wik ipedia. org/wik i/Fred_ Basset
Fred Barker was also a puppet on children's TV many moons ago.
http:// nostalg iacentr music/m usic-on -film-a nd-tv/f ive-o-c lock-cl ub/