Copyright Issues
I had a friend who published some historical/factual books about WWll in the early 1970's--each had a sleeve of a photographed painting--in addition each book had numerous photographs of actual events taken by authorised photographers--i assume by gov. or mod photographers--naval, aircraft, personnel and aerial photgraphs--the photographs and cover were sourced from a variety of sources (mainly the Imperial War Museum) and all sources were acknowledged in the published books--my friend died in 1999 and his wife now wishes to upload the books to Amazon for publication on kindle--i have been helping out by scanning all the books, including the photographs to upload to kindle--the issue of copyright over the cover and the photographs has now arisen--virtually all the photographs lncl. the cover can be found in many websites and all are noted as " the public domain"--nevertheless the Imperial War Museum which hold them in their archives and gave permission to my friend to use them--for which i assumed he paid--now say they are still under copyright and have to be paid for again--my friend's wife has no means to pay for these again--approx 6 books with a dozen photos per book at a cost of £100(+) per photo--all the cover paintings were done between1915-1945 and all the photographs taken before 1945--surely copyright is no longer an issue after 70+ years--my friend's wife wants the books on kindle because they are all out of print and she just wants them preserved for posterity and interested students of the periods coverded--she has no illusion of making lots of money from the publications--Amazon reckon they might sell for £2 per download from which my friend's wife will get 10%--a mere 20p perdownload--hardly much considering the work to download and proof reading them and then editing them and and designing the layout--we would appreciate advice any legal eagles out there can give regarding the copyright issues--cheers--arthur mcdermott