We have a small, mostly Norman, country church. My first thought, after the events in France, was that somewhere like us would be an ideal candidate for attack. I promptly began carrying a drum of white pepper in my bag - hoping that a faceful for an attacker would let our elderly ex-army chaps have a chance of disarming him. I've done more thinking since.
Keeping a key hanging inside by the vestry door is one - a way of escape.
Making sure the churchwardens' staffs can easily be taken out of their sockets.
Keeping a 'bouncer' by the main door - with something like a long truncheon nearby.
Being ready to use the heavy brass candlesticks as weapons.
Infirm members of the congregation to be asked to sit close to the door so they can get out.
Asking a licensed, gun-bearing farmer to be part of the congregation with a loaded 12-bore.
Someone to have a switched-on mobile phone set to dial an emergency number at one press.
I would be grateful for any other suggestions, have meeting next month.
We're looking at the CCTV option - but it's still money we can very ill afford.