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Crusader Prize Crossword

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woodhamgirl | 20:21 Mon 03rd Oct 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Good evening. Could anyone please help,me with my last 2 questions. Apologies if they have already been asked.

18a. Boxer, chicken, reported delay ?A?T?M?E???T
16d. Encourage to sow vegetable ???PLANT . IS IT Eggplant?


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18 Bantamweight - boxer. Bantam,chicken+Weight, sounds like Wait.
bantamweight ?
eggplant yes
16 Yes eggplant
18. Bantamweight
Eggplant = what the Americans call an Aubergine
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Thank you all for your help and especially Neveracrossword for the explanation. That's always helpful.

You're very welcome.

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