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Anagrams- Found In The Garden

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greywolf21 | 21:44 Wed 19th Oct 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers


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All I can make of the first is knife edging, but I don't know what it means.
I'm glad I led you up the garden path to the correct answer Piglet on!
You totally did MissLead! Thank you
2. Lawn aeriator
Was thinking Lawn Aerator for the second one, but there is a spare I...
And yes, I know that's probably not the correct spelling, but I think the setter thinks it is.
perhaps setter thought it started Air
Maybe Dave. I hadn't thought of that.
So Aireator
Typo by the Op?

I & O sit together on a keyboard

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Anagrams- Found In The Garden

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