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Ticknall19 | 08:33 Sun 30th Oct 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
Having a few problems with a local quiz - any help will be greatly appreciated.

1. What did Fanny Chenal whisper to Max Skinner when she swam across the pool to him in the film "A Good Year?"
2. Re-arrange the following to give the name of an Egyptian Minister:
3. What is this person Minister of? [I have checked Egyptian ministries/cabinet and can't find him]
4. What tall blue flower is known as "The flower of Love"?
5. Henry VIII was the first member of The Royal Family to divorce; who was second? [Is this a trick question, or is it Prince Charles?]


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Maybe him again ?
5 princess Margaret divorced 1978
2 zahi hawass
Zahi Hawass (Arabic: زاهي حواس‎‎; born May 28, 1947) is an Egyptian archaeologist, an Egyptologist, and former Minister of State for Antiquities Affairs. He has also worked at archaeological sites in the Nile Delta, the Western Desert, and the Upper Nile Valley.
minister of state for antiquities affairs
4 that's according to folk lore.

One of Max’s introductions to the finer things of life, happens one afternoon while he lay by the estate pool. He is told by his uncle to entertain a visitor’s daughter, someone his age named Fanny Chenal. For a while, Max rests in a lounge chair and reads on one side of the pool and Fanny, sits in a chair on the other side. After several moments, we see her dive into the pool and swim across to the other side where Max lay reading. She kisses him sweetly and whispers in his ear, “Forgive my lips, they find joy in the most unusual places.”
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Thank you all, you've helped a great deal. There are others to follow however, so please bear with me.......

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