Lizzies Quizzes in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Lizzies Quizzes

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joycebrown | 23:46 Tue 15th Nov 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
had a horse called trigger (5) to rhyme with bernie 12 becoming bad when playing snooker (5,2,3) ques 14 defining moment (9) 14a hear dove moving up in the sky (8) ques17 dimwit who is good at tweeting (4,5) answer to rhyme with crane ques19 a former partner giving - thats going too far (9) answer to rhyme with spell checker ques20 flightless bird (4) 20a uk no 1song title that is inthe lyrics of the no 1 that preceeded it (5.3) thank you for all help
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11a ernie ....the fastest milkman in the west
17 bird brain
14a Anagram Overhead
12. going to pot
12 Going to pot

11a had a horse called trigger (5) to rhyme with bernie
12 becoming bad when playing snooker (5,2,3)
ques 14 defining moment (9)
14a hear dove moving up in the sky (8)
ques17 dimwit who is good at tweeting (4,5) answer to rhyme with crane
ques19 a former partner giving - thats going too far (9) answer to rhyme with spell checker
20 flightless bird (4)
20a uk no 1song title that is inthe lyrics of the no 1 that preceeded it (5.3)
14 Watershed
Lizzes Quizzes 23

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Close dat 7th January 2017
20 rhea
20a mamma mia ........after bohemian rhapsody with he words mamma mia let me go
19a proof reading (b) Exceeding

I'm struggling with 11a. Mr Ecclestone is Bernie (b) Had a horse called Trigger (5) Roy Rogers horse was Trigger

Can anyone enlighten me please x

Not many names rhyme with Bernie

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