Crosswords1 min ago
On Wednesday there was a large advertisement on BT Home Page for SCANGUARD. The latest programme for sorting out all your problems. With hundreds of recommendations you were urged to download. The programme was free. After I downloaded it and ran the scan my machine was diagnosed with over 100 threats. To get rid of these threats I had to upgrade - at a cost. I immediately uninstalled the programme and ran a malwarebytes scan which showed 7 PUPS had been installed on my computer by SCANGUARD. You will also get an email from SCANGUARD confirming your free license with an opportunity to unsubscribe. If you hit the unsubscribe button you will get a message from Microsoft!! saying you cannot unsubscribe but they will block all future E Mails. BEWARE I am sure this is s scam
See 'Related Questions' below. My post on the thread there might be of interest to you.
18:15 Fri 02nd Dec 2016
In reply to old geezer the 7 PUPs were on my computer after I had uninstalled Scanguard and were picked up by a malware bytes scan. All 7 PUPs were clearly shown as Scanguard. Which begs the question why would a company claiming to remove malware leave seven separate programmes of malware behind. BEWARE