Emperor: Please try a different Android browser (as per my previous post, recommending Dolphin) or use the 'other' version of AB. i.e. if you're currently using the 'full' version ( http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk ) try the 'mobile' version ( http://m.theanswerbank.co.uk ), or vice versa.
Please try a different Android browser (as per my previous post, recommending Dolphin) or use the 'other' version of AB. i.e. if you're currently using the 'full' version ( http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk ) try the 'mobile' version ( http://m.theanswerbank.co.uk ), or vice versa.
Si·ren (sī′rən)
1. Greek Mythology One of a group of sea nymphs who by their sweet singing lured mariners to destruction on the rocks surrounding their island.
2. siren A woman regarded as irresistibly alluring.