You may remember a stinker
91. Ladybird, being aware, spotted an opportunity! (11)
I now have the official answer which I don't understand!
As always the setter is always right but I can't see why. Any comments people??
Good news is that we won anyway!
Wow. I remember spending ages thinking about that one and suggesting several answers with convoluted wordplay based on hens/pens/f(emale) auks. I can't immediately see the wordplay for MINDFULNESS but thanks for updating us
I think the Ladybird Book of Mindfulness may just be a coincidence as the book was published in 2015 but someone said on AB that the same question was asked on here a few years ago (before 2015) and was not answered then
Thanks Maya. My comment was based on a post mallyh made on one of the threads when she said "I found this question from years ago on ab and it wasn't answered then.
I wonder if many people got it right? I can see how they arrived at it but i can't help feeling a bit disappointed at it- maybe because we went down the wrong track