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Topic Of Cancer 31/01

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emperor | 19:14 Mon 09th Jan 2017 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
Thought we'd cracked this but now in doubt a bit. So again.
44. Bleats? Could be if the shepherds are here. (5)
Toorak thought CRIBS, very clever: then Butterbun pointed out that CRIB was the answer to an earlier question.
So has anyone any better ideas please?



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Afraid not!
seen "lambs" & "sheep" suggested
^ and it's def only 5 letters
Has 5 letters been confirmed by the setter? It seems to me that stable is the most logical answer.
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Topic Of Cancer 31/01

44. Bleats? Could be if the shepherds are here (5)
I've checked with the setter and it's definitely only five letters.
He said it's a bit of a double bluff.
15:31 Sun 08th Jan 2017Subscribe //
With Crib being an answer to another question, I would suggest Cribs is quite possible as setter has said It's a bit of a Double Bluff - 2 uses of crib.
what was the question that gave you the other crib?
The question is Or you can possibly steal a bed [4] ,so crib seems to be the answer .
could be steal or common word for bed
thankyou for the question jim xx
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The only problem with SACK is that its not exactly Christmas themed.
All ideas are good though, thanks so far. I did wonder about sack earlier but as Jim said it seems to fit rather well.
father Christmas puts the toys to be delivered in a sack

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Topic Of Cancer 31/01

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