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Anyone For Science?

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Empty | 15:41 Wed 25th Jan 2017 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
87. Coin I rank for measuring heat (10). 89. To provide food around the piece of medical equipment (8). 91. Container makes inventor grate (4-3).
(alphabetically between ce and ba)


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91 bell jar
89 cathetar
sorry catheter
87 centigrade
hope you are happy with the answers ?
Ecstatic I'd think :-)
be nice if there was a thankyou
mally, don't hold your breath. Empty is not noted for dishing out thank-yous.
There have been reports that some devices do't allow users to reply to their own questions as the 'submit' button is greyed out for some unknown reason. Maybe Empty switched to one of these in 2009. Hopefully the new beta version of AB will allow replies
Question Author
I'm always grateful for answers but thought we weren't supposed to do this -
takes up space when others could be posing a question. Knuckles rapped!!

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Anyone For Science?

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