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Numbers Quiz

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irismay | 17:57 Tue 21st Mar 2017 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

1. 8 H P M 2. 3 M I A T ( I did think maybe 3 Musicians in a Trio)
3. 5 O D M
Any help greatly appreciated


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1 8 Harry Potter Movies ?

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Thank you for that answer Fibonacci. I forgot about posting the title and date. Fundraising Quiz - 24th March. I can't seem to get to grips with the 'new' website.
In addition to 3 musicians in a trio (which maybe correct) it could also simply be 3 members in a trio as a trio does not have to necessarily relate to music.
3. One Direction Members (although I think one of them left!)
2 3 Men in a tub. From the nursery rhyme.

3 The England cricket team have 5 One Day Matches scheduled for 2017.
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Thank you to one and all for all the suggestions.

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