I was looking at some of those solar light bulbs in the garden centre the other day and was wondering if they were any good. I've also seen some, n a string which are LED battery operated. Do any of you have either? I quite fancy some for the garden for when we have a BBQ. Thanks.
I have got both, its horses for courses a bit. When the weather is fine and sunny then in sunny areas of the garden, the solars work well. If your garden is shady or the weather isn’t great then the battery operated ones are better.
Thanks both. I've seem some "cheapy" ones so if they did for the summer that would be fine. The others I've seen we're quite pricey and expect them to last longer so perhaps cheap is best in this instance!
I get mine from the Poundshop as i find they only last one summer (due to the rain!) so feel i get my moneys worth. I have spent more in the past at Homebase/B&Q but again these have only lasted one summer.