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2017 Variety Fun Quiz C/d 30/9/17

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Mara127 | 20:42 Wed 02nd Aug 2017 | Quizzes & Puzzles
51 Answers
name well known phrase with all spaces, vowels and pronounciation marks removed
hssnthm (6)

identify odd one out

red orange purple pink yellow blue green

lynx myth hymn type crypt cyst pygmy




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O it is then -thanks guys

Anyone got the phrase?
House is not a home - but that is only 5 words and I'm not sure that is a phrase
A house is not a home.
is A HOUSE IS NOT A HOME a phrase? That is 6 words. I recall that being a song lyric
Snp, Clbx
Is it probably - A House is not a Home
sorry, last one I saw was ff at 2234
red orange purple pink yellow blue green

Actually only red, yellow and blue are primary colours; the other 4 are all secondary colours.

Is it to do with the song Cilla black sang?
Red and yellow and pink and green,
Purple and orange and blue.
I can sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow,
You can sing one too!

So all seven are mentioned, so that theory goes out of the window.

The rainbow colours are red orange yellow green, blue, indigo violet (purple?) so does that miss out pink?

Or maybe Pink is the only Female singer?
The colour one could be pink because all the other colours are found in a set of pool balls?
These 'odd one out' quizzes often have several possible answers
Pink is not a secondary colour.
Yes, you are right Tilly- although it is close to magenta which is secondary
Magenta is a mixture of red and blue, that's not pink, FF.

Pink is white with a bit of red. White is not primary colour.
orange ? can't eat the others
Could be, Mallyh. :-)
just realised you can eat greens so that's that lol x
'Pink' does not contain the letter 'E'?
Question Author
thanks everyone. have one more odd one out - H I J K L M N - is it I being only vowel?
Or J for being the only letter witha curl

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2017 Variety Fun Quiz C/d 30/9/17

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