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Anagram Of Vanilla Jet

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RonniBarker | 10:12 Mon 04th Sep 2017 | Quizzes & Puzzles
43 Answers
anagram of Vanilla Jet


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None I can find !
Have you some letters missing?
Jayne Torvill?
how did you get letters ?
Another post here. looks like letters are correct.
Its a mystery guys, and no mistake !
I think that, judging by the letters, it is probably an Asian name.
thankyou xx
Vanilla Jet - anagram of famous living man.

How famous? Looking forward to the answer.
The last one from Competitors Companion was obscure but did get answered - this is a tough one.
Janet Villa, wrong gender. Does it not give you the number of letters in each name?
Who is Janet Villa ?
What is she famous for? Haven't heard of her
USA pro soccer player,

She doesn't seem that well known on Google tbh
I can't find her either, my memory must be playing tricks on me.
Can't believe these brilliant minds can't solve this.
She might be the daughter of Pancho.
Good to see sir.prize on this thread.
I asked the same question 10 hours ago and have not had an answer either. Looking forward to finding out the answer tomorrow

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Anagram Of Vanilla Jet

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