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Old Saying Used In School

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Marymoo123 | 17:52 Sat 30th Sep 2017 | History
21 Answers
What were the old saying used in school to help remember thingd, like never eat sherded wheat


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They are called mnemonics.
Here's one

The 'mites go up and the 'tites come down.
Stalagmites and stalactites.
My very excellent mother just served us nine pizzas = planets

Richard of York gave battle in vein = rainbow colours

They are the only ones I remember
Or was it pies that she serves??
in vain. :-)
So, you wanted examples, rather that what they were called, Marymoo?
Apologies Tilly2
No need to apologise, Mums. Why are you apologising?
For the heinous crime of getting the wrong vain.
Almost as bad as not realising that it's your tights that come down !
Every good boy deserves fruit
I used to teach kids that Ivy X Loves Cadbury's Dairy Milk, as well as about the mythical volcanic island of SOHCAHTOA.
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>>> "Sit in the corner and put the black pointy hat on".

>>> Can't quite remember what it was supposed to teach me

. . . but it was useful practice for when you joined the coven, 1ozzy ;-)
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SOHCAHTOA - I actually know what that is. It is one of the very few things about Trig (not going to try and spell it) that I remember.

Night !

I before E except after C. I know teachers don't use that now because there are so many words that don't fit, but I still use it when spelling 'receipt', 'believe' etc.
SOHCAHTOA - sine - opp/hyp - - cos adj / hyp - tan opp/adj

the ratios - I used to go for "opp on top"

to explain opp - opposite - adj - adjacent - hyp - hypotenuse

Just in case the 'cant understand WHAT he is talking about' brigade start up whining and a-grinding again

does willie-willie-harry-steve- count ?

Latin - I hope to go my darling Besse - spero me iturum esse ? tells you whcih century I learnt Latin in ( Bessie has to be besseh for a true rhyme)

story of cats jumping into a pond to escape fire
un deux trwa - cat sank!

divorced - beheaded - died - divorced- beheaded- survived
wives of Henry VIII

( I liked better Margaret of Antwerp turning down his offer of marriage - if I had two necks I would gladly give one to the King of England!)

the Cat the Rat and Lovell the Dogge
rule all England under the Hog! (Richard III)

3 things to happen 3 Sep 1651 Worcester, 1650 Dunbar
and 3 Sep 1658 - Cromwells death

if it hadnt been for General Wade
the roads in Scotland dudud never been made

not to forget all the filthy anatomy rhymes

The lingual nerve took a swerve around the hyoglossus
well I'm f - - -
said the parotid duct
the baggaz double crossed me !

Luscious French Tarts Sit naked in anticipation
( order of structures going froo the superior orbital foramen)

Can Philip catch Her Majesty on a muddy potty again
( branches of the internal carotid artery)

flat evening
good night all

That would be the excessive hand wring health and safety mob peter.

On my travels abroad i've seen,like 50 plugs coming out of one outlet, overhead electricty cables sparking and showering whilst everyone went about their daily business and the worst had to have been, being in a taxi whilst the engine was on fire, every once in a while the driver would say in a heavy raspy tone "No prublem" and fan them out, drive until it happened again, lol.
wow ! scary

I am not surprised you can recollect it without the help of a mnemonic

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