The title made me think og Captain Birdseye but he's no singer. So are we looking for a one word answer which could be forename, surname of known single name?
"give me a cod"- is that a euphamism, I wonder? I remember a term about "slipping a fish"
Can you confirm we are all understanding what we are looking for please? You can comment just by replying to your own question. Thanks
I don't know how this quiz works. The Captain could be a fishing trawler captain. The singer called Captain was Captain Sensisble. Captain fits alphabetically
Hi Amethys- I'll leave this for now until you get chance to comment on our suggestions and confirm that we seem to have understood the requirements.
I suppose it could be classical- eg Schubert The Trout so someone may have done a cod piece.
(Talking of codpieces, I did wonder if the clue was a reference to someone who famously wore a cod piece but Cameo (on Word Up) is only 5 letters.)
Definitely a male singer, or could possibly be a term for a male singer, like tenor or bass. Could be either first or last name, both are used for other answers. One word with 7 letters. That's all I know, as this is not even my quiz, someone else asked me if I could help them with this clue.
Thanks. So is the clue definitely "He can give me a cod"?
So the answer could be a a singer's first name, single word name (like Sting or Black) or surname, or could be a musical term for a singer. (I thought cod= fish, bass = fish but bassist is out of place alphabetically)
Bing Crosby sang Gone Fishing but he isn't 7
Please can you give us a couple of examples of other clues and their answers please so we can geta feel for the setter's clue writing. Ignoring the clue, Bocelli looks a possibility if other answers have been Bing and Caruso. It looks from these as if the setter won't be using rappers or thrash metal singers