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tonyav | 00:26 Mon 20th Nov 2017 | ChatterBank
10 Answers


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Brilliant, love the Horse one too and the Ice Sculpture.

Now want a Scotch pie though.
Excellent. I like the first one and the ice sculpture. I'll send you a few down Mamya x
Great pics, ta Tony :-)
Yum, no gravy for Tony's though.
No gravy with scotch pies.... I don't like them. They do a steak and gravy one up here in the same pastry case. Now that is good.
I like the Donald Trump one. He looks extremely uncomfortable. I can imagine him thinking 'Why am I stuck in this dumb lineup? Why didn't I push them all out of my way?'

Wedding pictures? Remind me not to get married any time soon. At least not to anyone in China.
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No gravy with scotch pies....

Liking the sound of those Scotch pies, mazie.
Lovely pictures, thank you Tony.

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