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How Would You Respond If You Caught An Adult Male Who Is A Fan Of Girly/cutesy Pop Artists/groups?

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MM305 | 06:57 Sun 11th Mar 2018 | Music
37 Answers
Pretty much, if you caught this adult male listening to girly/cutesy artists/groups (like the one's shown here) AND noticed he has albums/T-shirts/merchandises of them, how would you folks respond to this Adult Male fan? Honestly?


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Hello how are you today? Still worried about what music you like?
Why would you be worried John?
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woofgang I'm interested to know how you will HONESTLY feel if you caught an adult male being associated with this type of stuff.

People's taste in music is a very personal thing and I don't judge - then know one can judge me for singing like a mad woman to Gloria, or Flashdance!!
Completely unbothered. Some adult males like grime, some like Abba, so what?
exactly Jno its just another genre - not my taste but so what!
your use of the word 'caught' in the title suggests you think you're doing something you shouldn't be ...

You enquire as though it is something to be ashamed of?
He is allowed to have his taste of music which i would compliment as there is far worse
Its his choice of friends i would talk to him about
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I don't get the 'caught' bit.
I think and don’t quote me on this that the op meant underage girls?
^Nor me.
^That was to Tilly.
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Whatever floats your boat MM don't think anyone would be bothered, don't feel guilty.
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How Would You Respond If You Caught An Adult Male Who Is A Fan Of Girly/cutesy Pop Artists/groups?

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