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Quiz Example ??a?? And ??i?e (Black And White)

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charity-baker47 | 15:14 Wed 25th Apr 2018 | Quizzes & Puzzles
22 Answers
Still struggling with this. Still 7 of the 30 to solve. Please help.
1. ?u??? and ??e?
2. ?a?o? and e??
3. ?o?? and ??o?a???
4. ?oo?? and ??ee?
5. ?o?? and ??i?e
6. ?o??? and ??oe? (socks and shoes)?
7. ??i?? and ???

As you can see all the vowels are already in


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3 Ross and Cromarty
15:43 Wed 25th Apr 2018
24 Darby and Joan
Bucket and spade would be right ,thanks(sorry , I missed the last dash- it is there on quiz)
Shirt and tie not as all vowels given and non in second word so crisp and dry looks right.
Water and soap not right as first word has only an'a' ( no 'e')so went for Darby and Joan.
Still mulling over 16 .....
Thanks to all

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Quiz Example ??a?? And ??i?e (Black And White)

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