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Daij | 20:25 Thu 26th Apr 2018 | Crosswords
36 Answers
5d South American trumpeter a soldier rings before noon (5)
1a Overturned grave contains one short epigram (3,3)
??N , ???
14d Slow left-arm – good over, but not maiden (5)
15d Excited state over side issues at Glamis Castle?

Thanks in advance



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14 Largo

L(eft) Ar(m) + G(ood) O(ver)
14 Largo
14d largo
5 Agami
Does 15d definitely begin with U?
15 Could end GE, sides of Glamis CastlE.
Question Author
Usage? Would that work?
There's no definition for 'Usage' though and it would need to be 'States' at the least to work
Yes if it was states in the clue.
15 Using the GE at start and end, and include Cal(ifornia) in reverse.
Question Author
Something to do with ice? Maybe?
Is there a clue which will give another letter to 15? If there is it might give you a better idea of the word you are looking for.
You're definite about the 'U' and still have no other letters?
Is the U definitely right?
Are there any other crossing letters?
Is the clue definitely correct above? E.g. excited not exited, state not states
I wondered about Angus (where Glamis Castle is) but can't fit it all together
Question Author
There are two clues that would give extra letters
18a Balkan out of bounds in compound (5)
20a Irreproachable Frenchwoman, first lady to load cargo (6)

As yet I have no letters in either clue

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