Mainly it's been people that have changed my life rather than circumstances, things people have said.
'Love isn't rationed'- my partner.
'I love you but never forget you're a tiny little cog in a very big machine, you're not precious or special by right only by deed and action' was one (my Dad-very good advice).
'You can TRY to be anything you want to be, if you don't you'll never know, but wanting isn't always enough, so make it count.' was another (my mother- again good advice).
'They said what? *** them right, just *** them.' was a third which I think has made the biggest difference to me, someone I met recently commenting on how someone said I should lose two stone and then I'd be marketable (I'm currently a little over 9 stone and 5'8). He put his money where his mouth is and got me seen by some people I wanted to be seen by which might make all of the difference to me and I'm eternally thankful for his kindness in that whatever happens.