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Comedians,& Comic Actors

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Raykay | 15:22 Thu 24th May 2018 | Quizzes & Puzzles
17 Answers
1. Metal Mint (2,6)
2. Spotted Paper (4,5)
3. European daybreak first (4,6)


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2 Dick Emery
15:24 Thu 24th May 2018
1.Al Murray
3 Dawn French
3 Dawn French
3 Dawn French
3.Dawn French
3 dawn french
2 Dick Emery
Good memory Lynne :-)
Good solving Danny ;-)
I meant good that you remembered Dick Emery.Not many abers who will know who he is/was.
^^^ Oh you are awful, but.......... ;)))
Oh you are awful, but I like you :-)
" I like you"
1 Al Murray
Snap Captain- long memory
Just retentive I like to think Margo. *cough* *cough* :))
One or two showing their age here. :-)

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