Cryptic Clue Answer - Local Quiz in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Cryptic Clue Answer - Local Quiz

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patriciamason | 09:11 Fri 08th Jun 2018 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
The answer has to have a letter Q in it somewhere- can begin with it or be somewhere in the answer.
The clue is :- First to play your cards right and you may win this
Seven letters.

Also clue is Chinese cure.12 letters.
I have found aquapuncture but on looking it up it says it is Portuguese so I don't think it is right.
help on either or both answers would be really appreciated.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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09:14 Fri 08th Jun 2018
Sorry, ignore my last post.
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Thank you danny.I have looked up Bezique(which I had not heard of before)and it looks as if this meets the criteria so I shall accept that .I am still pzzled over the aquapuncture as I cannot find any specific references to it being Chinese other than it can be related to acupuncture.I have followed the leads I have been given and as this was also my first possibility I shall probably use this too.I shall leave this open for now just in case there are any more ideas.Thank you to both of you for replying so quickly.Much appreciated.
Try this link, scroll down to Introduction, first 2 paragraphs. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2014/627342/
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Ty ubasses - I have followed that link and it does say aquapuncture is linked to acupuncture so I guess that is the answer - thanks so much.

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Cryptic Clue Answer - Local Quiz

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