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Word And Number Quiz. Ditloids

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ziggystardust | 16:09 Tue 07th Aug 2018 | Quizzes & Puzzles
20 Answers
Help wanted please for these ditloids. No 1. 3 T oa Ff. no2. a C h 4 s poss answer a cube has 4 sides. No 3. 6992KotRA. No4. 62MoS. No5 15. SiaP. Many thanks in advance


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No.3 - 6992 Kilometres of the River Amazon?
16:16 Tue 07th Aug 2018
No.3 - 6992 Kilometres of the River Amazon?
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No 4 Moons of saturn
15 sides in a pentadecagon ??
NB a cube has 6 sides not four
A Cow has 4 stomachs
(they are actually have 4 rumen put people say they have 4 stomachs)
2 A Cello has 4 strings.
1 is it definitely a t ......3 colours on a French flag ?
3 = Tricolor of a French Flag ???
I was thinking that ,but 3 tricolour didn't sound right x
no mallyh it doesn't and a flying fox doesn't have three toes either!
a cello has 4 strings
^ sorry, didn't see you there dave!
3 Tines on a Fish Fork ??
Please note some fish forks also have 4 tines but the commonest is with one broad tine + two others.
yea ,well done x
Good one jj.
Thanks both - let's hope it is correct
5 15 sides in a pentadecagon
oops sorry already answered
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Many thanks for all answers. Like. The fish fork answer, and also the rest of them. Once again thanks

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Word And Number Quiz. Ditloids

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