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Diffney , Holly Bough

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Glasslynn | 21:34 Thu 22nd Nov 2018 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
2. AIFC, c 0-14, k 0-13
6. the 5 P of I
7. the N and the 4 R
13. J 1 C, G I to M
31. 3 S by A C
34. H T 3: a M V
40: 12 s on the EUF
42. U, M, L, C the 4 P
44. Y by 5 S of S
46. C4 na nÓ (Gaeilge)
56. 2017 CC W L and CD
Thanks in advance


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40. twelve stars on the european union flag (touchy subject)
6 The five pillars of Islam
31 Three sisters by Anton Chekhov
13 Just one cornet, give it to me (advertising jingle)

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Diffney , Holly Bough

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