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jubo22 | 17:57 Tue 18th Dec 2018 | Quizzes & Puzzles
17 Answers
retina??d cells. Ipad proramme, a??.wood glue, p?l. herbal caffeine, g'arana. many thanks.


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Forget retinated.
2 App
4 Guarana
1 Reticular?
Wood Glue
PVA ???
1 Rod Cells ?
Well done, Cashier. That has been really bugging me. :-(
I think Mamya has it.

The layout of the clues is poor and confusing.

Retina = Rod cells
If it id reticular cells, then we don't have any clue do we.
Tilly- I think Mamyalynne may be right with rod cells. It's not clear what the exact clue is- I think retina may be part of the clue rather than part of the answer
oh sorry.
Too slow. I blame my rod cells
Mine are shot too :-)
I was pfffing at the OP, not at the respondents.


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