Jokes1 min ago
What Odd Stories Do You Have To Tell?
63 Answers
I’ve asked this question before, but a long time ago, so just for a bit of fun I’ll ask it again.
Contestants on ‘Only Connect’ always have a quirky little tale to tell about themselves, so if you were taking part, what would your story be?
Me? In the footsteps of the biblical Moses and his band of Israelites, I was once led across the Sinai desert .... by a man named Moses.
Contestants on ‘Only Connect’ always have a quirky little tale to tell about themselves, so if you were taking part, what would your story be?
Me? In the footsteps of the biblical Moses and his band of Israelites, I was once led across the Sinai desert .... by a man named Moses.
Do any of these count . . . ? I've mentioned several times before on AB that I once lost a train. (It was on Platform 1 when the branch line was closed for emergency engineering work but then, several hours later after the line had been repaired, I put out a PA announcement inviting passengers to board the train on Platform 1, it had vanished!) A conference speech I...
11:03 Tue 08th Jan 2019
Do any of these count . . . ?
I've mentioned several times before on AB that I once lost a train. (It was on Platform 1 when the branch line was closed for emergency engineering work but then, several hours later after the line had been repaired, I put out a PA announcement inviting passengers to board the train on Platform 1, it had vanished!)
A conference speech I made, defending the rights of gay school pupils, got reported on the front page of the The Telegraph in such a way that it appeared that I'd said everyone should be gay!
I've danced with a former 'Miss England'.
I've sat through a two-hour lecture on mathematics, not understanding a word of it because I'd not realised beforehand
that it would be delivered in Japanese.
I've mentioned several times before on AB that I once lost a train. (It was on Platform 1 when the branch line was closed for emergency engineering work but then, several hours later after the line had been repaired, I put out a PA announcement inviting passengers to board the train on Platform 1, it had vanished!)
A conference speech I made, defending the rights of gay school pupils, got reported on the front page of the The Telegraph in such a way that it appeared that I'd said everyone should be gay!
I've danced with a former 'Miss England'.
I've sat through a two-hour lecture on mathematics, not understanding a word of it because I'd not realised beforehand
that it would be delivered in Japanese.
I was recently introduced to an oldish chap at a party by only first names and got chatting to him. He was nice and he started discussing photography and I enthused that I too was a photographer to make conversation and mentioned my spanky new camera and recommended it to him. He listened really sweetly and attentively and he said he was going to shoot something the following week funnily enough at a location in New York and I said graciously, because I had sod all to do, that I'd come and give him a hand if he liked? He nodded and agreed and said 'Yeah come along, more the merrier', then later my partner told me he was a VERY famous photographer that I'd just cringeworthily advised and offered to 'help'- (famous like Lord Lichfield type famous). I could have cheerfully died, but what a sweet man!
Considering who and what is he he listened really attentively, didn't dismiss my opinion or ideas, looked at my photos on my phone ( I could die just thinking about it) when actually he must have been thinking who is this twonk? But he was warm and polite, engaged and gracious, so top human in my book.
I've seen him since and apologised and he was gracious then too, never sought to demean me or anything I'd said, so that's listening 'sweetly'.
I've seen him since and apologised and he was gracious then too, never sought to demean me or anything I'd said, so that's listening 'sweetly'.