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Rt 22

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redglenys | 19:31 Tue 21st May 2019 | Crosswords
11 Answers
7a artist almost home with same keys-ten (10)
12a pincers help to extricate man of property (4,7)
24a let off previous individual given appraisal (10) ??o???a?e?
8d Love dupe is altering intricate Freudian theory (7,7)
13d it measures distance taken by fairground roof
3d expecting series that William fetched round (4,3,7)
6d by all accounts, making glad eye over large First Lady
4d Leipzig no bleaker when including base (7)
10a "soothing"clued differently ahead of time (6)



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12 Phil Spencer
10a dulcet
10 Dulcet
24a exonerated
4d ignoble (in clue)
7a Carava(n)-GG-10
8d Oedipus complex - 'o' (love) + anag 'dupe is' + 'complex' (intricate)

13d It measures distance taken by saint round roof (9)


3d Call the Midwife - anag 'William fetched'
Can we have the letter count for 13 and 6 please, also any letters you may have got?
6d Allegedly - anag 'glad eye' (over) 'l(arge) l(ady; first)'
3 call the midwife, anag
6 Allegedly
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Thank you all

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Rt 22

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