The Km Links Game - June Week 1
Good morning everyone - it';s mad Monday at HQ today, everything is happening at once and I'm not handling it at all well, so this will be a bit brief and I can get onto the next area of chaos !!
Not that the links were chaotic, some of us found it hard to decide, but then others did exceptionally well....
Wood Shed .....why did none of us think of that !!
Pony Tail
Dress Sense
Lady Bird
Firstly I must welcome LadyJo to our happy little band, I'm going to risk saying she is cliffyg's better half, simply because on her first attempt, LADYJO, along with MODESTE has scored 6 points to open up their score tally .....cliffy might just have to watch and wonder as his good lady goes shooting up the Leader Board !!
a good sprinkling of 3's and 1's but quite a few are still languishing in the Club rooms, waiting for next week ....
Our LEADER BOARD so far...
6 points - LadyJo & modeste
3 points - (and not alphabetically ) weecalf, Candice Marie, jollyroger66, lysander, Fibonacci, tonyav, John & choux
1 point - 23 players
So Congratulations to all the points scorers for this first week, hope to see you all back next time, till then stay safe, Cheers, Steff