Ditloids in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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S06200 | 09:27 Tue 25th Jun 2019 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Hi, any help with these would be great please...

1) 3DH
2) TTO3BM (don't think its 3 blind mice as I've already had that one...)
3) RRT5N

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3 Remember, remember, the 5th of November.
09:31 Tue 25th Jun 2019
3 Remember, remember, the 5th of November.
^sorry, 4 on that link.
is 1 definitely a d ....3 French hens
Can you please give the details of the quiz (ie how to obtain a copy, closing date and cost). Thanks.
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Hi, Sorry but I received this ditloid quiz from a family member who had completed it as part of a competition at their work last Christmas, therefore there is no official closing date or webpage/paper I got this from. The four ditloids I asked about were the last remaining ones I needed.
Question Author
1) 3DH - is definitely a D...
And still looking for an answer for question 2
Any ideas?

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