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Spring Gentlemen Society

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quizzkid | 10:41 Sun 07th Jul 2019 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
Hello Could you please give a clue for No 2, 14, 106 and 124 Thank you in Spalding gentlemen society quiz


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2 Spanish footballer plays for premier club
14 first deaf/blind person win a BA
106 boat company
124 Chinese philosophy
Hope those help
Clue for no. 106, a way to travel on the water, from England and Scotland to another island!
Please can you give a clue for the famous people pictures, no. 3, 6, 17 and 18. Thank you.
3 clue previously given as...think Titanic
6 Helped women win the right to vote
17 American actor played a character with a wife called Tina
^ both real people..
18 soviet leader name means man of steel seems not his first name used but what his photo depicts
I also need an answer for 18 - I thought I had it but number count wrong so need to start again.
But if you Google Soviet leader man of steel...
Thank you so much - got it
Youre welcome :-)
Question Author
Thank you just 124 to find.
Baltic religion for 124
Question Author
Thank you bows13 got it.
I need 53 - as do a few others!

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Spring Gentlemen Society

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