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Connected With Water

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Raykay | 17:14 Wed 24th Jul 2019 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
1. Was an attraction, now a warning (5)
2. It's so narrow, but it's here (5)
3. In calais, what's in a channel (8)
4. A circle within a clique (6)
5. A part of UK in post (10)
6. Almost an old Roman river (5)
7. Water-monster by part of the Bible (7)


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7 Hydrant - Hydra,water-monster+NT, New Testament
17:22 Wed 24th Jul 2019
3 Aqueduct - A Que Duct.
3 Lancisia (anagram of in Calais)
Commonly known as 'Water Buttons'

I'm not sure if I'm on the right track here !
7 Hydrant - Hydra,water-monster+NT, New Testament
1 Siren
2 SO NARrow = Sonar?
5 Sanitation (A + Northern Ireland in STATION (post))
6 (river) Tiber(ius)?

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Connected With Water

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