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bettykelly1938 | 22:38 Sat 16th Nov 2019 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
2d comprehensibly ;3,2)c?t????? 12a answered the phone(6,2)????e?u? 15a cards cheat (4) 19a carefree situation (4,6)easy ??????


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easy street
12a picked up
12 Picked up?
19. easy street
12a Picked up
19a Easy Living
how many letters for 2d?
15a Rook?
rook 1 (ro͝ok)
1. A Eurasian corvid (Corvus frugilegus) having black plumage with a patch of bare skin around the base of the bill, and nesting in colonies near the tops of trees.
2. A swindler or cheat, especially at games.
Found 2d as 'get across' - does that tally?

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