Will have a look after Corrie. I initially thought you were going to show me one of the Tik Tok dances- as most 11-12 year olds, especially girls, seem unable to stop themselves doing them in lessons.
Sorry, I'm not sure whether they are doing rapid calculations based on 5s or whether it's just something that helps them focus. Maybe it's linked to this.
Certainly Chinese kids have an attitude to learning which is the polar opposite of the attitude of too many children at home
I've watched that video, Tambo and can see the numbering system but the way they work it out with their fingers is really flummoxing. I could do the maths in my head but not by using my fingers. Thank for posting that.
it is finger counting innit?
we were encouraged NOT to do after around age 8 as it interfered they said with taking on board maff ideas
which may or may not be true - how to teach maff is subject to a profusion of ideas and not an awful lot of research and results
looking back on it fifty years - doing calculus ( and it was believed that 14 was the lowest age a child should be taught it) - it is now clear that the Maff masters were giving us their first-year uni courses on "analysis"(*) - so that D(x2) = 2x was most definitely NOT the end point of the course
(*) coz when I picked up an old analysis book it seemed incredibly like the lessons we had at age 14 (wivvart the exes and deltas n fings)