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Bbc Quiz : Week 9

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Buenchico | 21:02 Fri 28th Feb 2020 | ChatterBank
91 Answers
Good news (1): You can't score zero this week because there's one of those question where all the answers are correct.

Good news (2): It's dead easy this week. (Well, I think it is, anyway!)

Bad news: You can't enjoy beating me this week, 'cos I scored SEVEN! (Yay!)

So how will you do then?


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Well done Buenchico, my usual four I'm afraid.
4/7. Why, when I'm debating two answers is it always the other one???
Question Author
Oh, not quite as easy as I thought then!

5's still a very good score though, Pixie. Well done!

Cashier: Try to think of your 4 as really scoring 10 out of 10 - for consistency ;-)

Question Author
>>> Why, when I'm debating two answers is it always the other one?

I know that feeling only too well, Zebo! However the only time I found myself wavering between two answers this week was with the question where all the answers were correct anyway! (I must have been leading a very boring life lately, as I actually knew all the other answers!)
Question Author
Oops, Tuvok!

You must have had an action-packed week, with no time to give to mere trivia ;-)
5 for me too!
Question Author
Well done, Sharon!

You'd be in the joint lead if it wasn't for that really annoying guy who scored 7 ;-)
You're setting a high standard this week,
I got 6/7
Shady the Sad thinks any idiot ought to know what sort of caper a flat earther would attempt - but I didn't.
Question Author
Very well done, indeed, Haras2 (and Shady the Sad too, of course)!
3, but I've had a very busy week.
Well done Chris : )

could only manage 4/7
Oh dear, just a 3 for me. But surely "A playful take..." should have been the correct answer??

Well done Chris!
Question Author
>>> . . . but I've had a very busy week

Excuses, excuses, Tilly2 ;-)

4 is still one more than I usually get, Sam!

>>> But surely "A playful take..." should have been the correct answer?

Not from NatWest, I think, Pasta!
("Hole in the wall" has been registered as a trademark by Barclays. No other banks are permitted to refer to their ATMs by that name)
Question Author
Thanks for keeping my seat in the 'ranks of 3' warm this week, Mamya. I'll probably need it back again next week ;-)
4 for me. Well done, Buenchico
4/7 for me this week, not been paying attention. Well done Chris :-)
Not learn the most amazing useless information on here ;)
I'm not sad...I'm in good company with Tilly and mamya.

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Bbc Quiz : Week 9

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