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Ok Fans, Todays Quiz....what Batman Villain Are You?

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ToraToraTora | 09:05 Fri 03rd Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
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A Chinese market stall owner, apparently.
10:51 Fri 03rd Apr 2020
The Penguin
Catwoman ? Really ?
Well I suppose that I have the figure for it.
Bet you chose the freeze gun, TTT :-)) I really wanted to be The Joker so I answered the questions appropriately and, hey presto! I am The Joker :-)))
Appropriately : Catwoman.
Poisin Ivy -spot on!
Two-Face here
Mr Freeze!
Totally agree, Aunt Polly. You were born to the role :-))
Question Author
ken, yes you can steer these quizzes if you know the characters. I always try and answer if it was me personally though. It's one of the few times when it's better if the quizzer has no knowledge of the subject matter.
I think it was just a tad more noticeable with this particular quiz, TTT. In particular, the question on how you would react to being faced by Batman. Some of the other quizzes aren't as obvious. I actually did the quiz a second time answering honestly and I became Two-Face :-)
I'm Harley Quinn...and I have no knowledge of the characters.
I just did it a second time...adjusting the answers I'd dithered over the first time. I'm still Harley Quinn.
Harley Quinn (no idea, again)
Mr Freeze
A Chinese market stall owner, apparently.
The Joker!
Question Author
gotta give you that one ZM!
Cheers! ;-)

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